Temerity is fever dream with exotic soundscapes.
Late Night Calm is reminiscent of the Village of My Dreams.
Shortly after lockdown, Eileen Shaloum completed a remarkable painting, To Life, portraying hope overcoming despair. David created a soundtrack and this video. It was selected by the Minneapolis-based Institute For Aesthetic Advocacy for their virtual exhibition in May 2020.
cicatrix dreaming is video collaboration that began with the remarkable color slides restored and curated by Justin Rhody. Jay Kreimer devised words to pull it all together. Many thanks to the musicians who contributed to this piece, including Jennifer Wilsey, Jorge Bachmann and Jay Kreimer. Source recordings were from The July Amalgam and Emergent Frost Variations (see below). It premiered at San Francisco’s ATA Gallery in 2015 and was shown again in 2021.
The stop-action video, London Burning, resulted from the briefest of visits in Fine Vermin Studio. Jay and David swapped files between Nebraska and California, and Joyce helped with the photography.
neglect: Jay Kreimer, David Graves, and lo-fi footage of a Japanese port.